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Recipe inspiration

Chargrilled Celeriac with Parsley Butter and Nachos


Chargrilled Celeriac:

  • 1 celeriac
  • A little oil

Parsley Butter:

  • 200g unsalted butter, softened
  • 25g flat leaf parsley
  • Zest of 1 lemon
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 2g fine salt
  • Pinch of course black pepper



Chargrilled Celeriac:

  1. Light your green egg/ BBQ and allow it to heat up to 230⁰C
  2. Brush the celeriac with oil and place in the BBQ
  3. While maintain the heat, roast the celeriac until the outside is chargrilled and the inside in cooked

Parsley Butter:

  1. Place the flat leaf parsley into the robot coupe and allow it to chop the leaves as much as possible
  2. Add the softened butter, zest of the lemon and the olive oil, then blend all of this together until a paste is formed
  3. Add the salt and pepper
  4. Take the paste out of the bowl and roll onto grease proof paper
  5. Place the butter back into the fridge until it has set


To Serve

Cut the parsley butter into round discs, and serve with the chargrilled celeriac and nachos


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